Drop The Pack. Let's Vape.
New To Vaping?
No problem. There's a lot of information (and MIS-information) out there, so we want to make things as simple as possible for you. Below you will find some basic information about why we choose to vape - everything from cost benefits to health, pollution and current laws. We also have a breakdown of the differences between a simple (coil-based) dry-herb vaporizer and a liquid vaporizer.
Of course, this is far from everything you may need or want to know but it's a start! So if you have more questions… feel free to contact us or drop by the store to chat!
The Basics
We choose to vape for a few key, essential reasons. Below are two infographics that break down the cost and risk differences between traditional tobacco smoke and our premium liquids and vaporizers.
Vaporizer vs. Cigarette
Vapor vs. Smoke
eLiquid Vs Dry Herb
Dry Herb vaporizers (like Pax) and liquid-based e-cigarettes are similar, but also very different. Depending on your needs and preferences, you may prefer one route over another. Below are two infographics that break down the anatomy of a (simple, coil-based) dry-herb vs. liquid vaporizer.
[UPDATE!] Please note that these illustrations are a bit dated… and that we carry a huge selection of the more modern type of herbal vaporizer (that utilizes conduction or convection-based oven technology, rather than an exposed heating element).
Liquid Vaporizer
Dry- Herb Vaporizer
Want To Know More?
No problem! Shoot us an email or drop by the store with any questions or ideas you may have. We're always here to help.